17 research outputs found

    Crystal structure of rhodopsin bound to arrestin by femtosecond X-ray laser.

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    G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) signal primarily through G proteins or arrestins. Arrestin binding to GPCRs blocks G protein interaction and redirects signalling to numerous G-protein-independent pathways. Here we report the crystal structure of a constitutively active form of human rhodopsin bound to a pre-activated form of the mouse visual arrestin, determined by serial femtosecond X-ray laser crystallography. Together with extensive biochemical and mutagenesis data, the structure reveals an overall architecture of the rhodopsin-arrestin assembly in which rhodopsin uses distinct structural elements, including transmembrane helix 7 and helix 8, to recruit arrestin. Correspondingly, arrestin adopts the pre-activated conformation, with a ∼20° rotation between the amino and carboxy domains, which opens up a cleft in arrestin to accommodate a short helix formed by the second intracellular loop of rhodopsin. This structure provides a basis for understanding GPCR-mediated arrestin-biased signalling and demonstrates the power of X-ray lasers for advancing the frontiers of structural biology

    Engineering of an artificial light-modulated potassium channel

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    Ion Channel-Coupled Receptors (ICCRs) are artificial receptor-channel fusion proteins designed to couple ligand binding to channel gating. We previously validated the ICCR concept with various G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) fused with the inward rectifying potassium channel Kir6.2. Here we characterize a novel ICCR, consisting of the light activated GPCR, opsin/rhodopsin, fused with Kir6.2. To validate our two-electrode voltage clamp (TEVC) assay for activation of the GPCR, we first co-expressed the apoprotein opsin and the G protein-activated potassium channel Kir3.1F137S (Kir3.1*) in Xenopus oocytes. Opsin can be converted to rhodopsin by incubation with 11-cis retinal and activated by light-induced retinal cis→trans isomerization. Alternatively opsin can be activated by incubation of oocytes with all-trans-retinal. We found that illumination of 11-cis-retinal-incubated oocytes co-expressing opsin and Kir3.1* caused an immediate and long-lasting channel opening. In the absence of 11-cis retinal, all-trans-retinal also opened the channel persistently, although with slower kinetics. We then used the oocyte/TEVC system to test fusion proteins between opsin/rhodopsin and Kir6.2. We demonstrate that a construct with a C-terminally truncated rhodopsin responds to light stimulus independent of G protein. By extending the concept of ICCRs to the light-activatable GPCR rhodopsin we broaden the potential applications of this set of tools

    Use of a G protein-activated channel as a reporter of opsin activation.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Activation by all-<i>trans</i>-retinal. Direct application of all-<i>trans</i>-retinal to <i>Xenopus</i> oocytes expressing opsin and Kir3.1* (Kir3.1<sub>F137S</sub>) leads to Kir3.1* activation via G proteins (Gαßγ). (<b>B</b>) Activation by light. Oocytes were pre-incubated with 20 µM 11-<i>cis</i> retinal for >30 min in the dark to form rhodopsin. Visible light exposure isomerizes 11-<i>cis</i> retinal to all-<i>trans</i>-retinal (red), thus activating rhodopsin and, in turn, G proteins which release Gßγ to open Kir3.1*. The traces are representative TEVC recordings from <i>Xenopus</i> oocytes expressing opsin and Kir3.1*. Current amplitude was recorded at −50 mV. Dashed line indicates the Ba<sup>2+</sup>-sensitive current baseline.</p

    ICCRs report conformational changes of receptors deficient in G protein coupling.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Representative TEVC traces. Yellow and blue bars correspond to oocyte illumination and Ba<sup>2+</sup> (3 mM) application, respectively. PTX (Pertussis Toxin) ADP-ribosylates G<sub>αi/o</sub> proteins, thus preventing G<sub>α</sub>-G<sub>βγ</sub> dissociation. OpsΔicl3 is a rhodopsin mutant with a deletion in the third intracellular loop (Δ244–249) known for its inability to activate G proteins. Dashed line indicates the Ba<sup>2+</sup>-sensitive current baseline. Measurements were done at −50 mV. (<b>B</b>) Percent change in current induced by light after 11-<i>cis</i> retinal incubation in the dark. Numbers below bars indicate the number of oocytes tested. The responses of OpsΔicl3-K<sub>-16–25</sub> and Ops-K<sub>-16–25</sub>+ PTX were not statistically different (Student t-test; P>0.5) while those of OpsΔicl3-K<sub>-16–25</sub> and Ops-K<sub>-16–25</sub> were different (P<0.002). (<b>C</b>) Oocytes were co-injected with Ops-K<sub>-16–25</sub>+ Kir3.1* or OpsΔicl3-K<sub>−16–25</sub>+ Kir3.1*. Ability of opsin to activate G proteins was determined by the addition of all-<i>trans</i>-retinal at 10 µM and measurement of Kir3.1* activation as a percent change in current. Numbers above bars indicate the number of oocytes tested.</p

    PTX-sensitive activation of Kir3.1* by opsin and all-<i>trans</i>-retinal, or light-activated rhodopsin.

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    <p> (<b>A</b>) <i>Xenopus</i> oocytes were injected with opsin and Kir3.1* mRNAs. Current amplitude was recorded at −50 mV. Black bars represent the average current measured prior to all-<i>trans</i>-retinal application or in the dark (after 11-<i>cis</i> retinal incubation) in the case of light activation. White bars represent the average current induced by 5 µM all-<i>trans</i>-retinal or light stimulation, respectively. Numbers above bars denote the number of oocytes tested. (<b>B</b>) Percent change in current induced by application of either 5 µM all-<i>trans</i>-retinal or light (after 11-<i>cis</i> retinal incubation) in control (black bars) and in the presence of co-expressed catalytic subunit S1 of pertussis toxin (PTX-S1) (white bars). Changes in current were computed for each oocyte and then averaged (The resulting average changes are different from the changes in average current represented in panel A). (<b>C</b>) Concentration-dependent response to all-<i>trans</i>-retinal. Average data computed as in panel B. Line corresponds to Hill equation fit with h = 4 and EC<sub>50</sub> = 2.5 µM. Each point represents the average of 7 to 40 measurements.</p

    Design strategy of rhodopsin-based ICCRs and functional coupling.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Sequence alignment of the fusion area between GPCRs and Kir6.2ΔN25. Alignment of GPCR C-terminal sequences were based on the presence of the H8 Helix. (<b>B</b>) Percent change in current for each construct in response to 10 µM all-<i>trans</i>-retinal or light (after 11-<i>cis</i> retinal incubation). Oocytes were co-injected with the specified Ops-Kir6.2 and TMD0, a SUR transmembrane domain. Numbers below bars indicate the number of oocytes tested. The changes induced by all-<i>trans</i>-retinal and light were statistically significant for Ops-K<sub>−16–25</sub> (Student t-test; P<0.04 & P<0.0001, respectively), but not for Ops-K<sub>0–25</sub> (P>0.4 & P>0.05, respectively). (<b>C</b>) Representative TEVC recordings for each construct in the case of photoactivation. Yellow bar represents oocyte illumination. Blue bar corresponds to Ba<sup>2+</sup> application at 3 mM. Dashed line indicates the Ba<sup>2+</sup>-sensitive current baseline. (<b>D</b>) Opsin ability to activate G proteins within the fusion Ops-Kir6.2. Both constructs were co-expressed with Kir3.1* and change in current was measured in response to 10 µM all-<i>trans</i>-retinal. All measurements were done at −50 mV. Numbers above bars indicate the number of oocytes tested.</p